Transformation Managers’ Forum (TMF)2025-01-30T10:24:31+02:00

Communities of Practice

Transformation Managers’ Forum (TMF)

Established in 2017, the Transformation Managers’ Forum (TMF) endeavours to be a key advisory, advocacy and capacity building Forum in support of achieving the transformation aims of higher education. Among its objectives, the TMF strives to actively participate in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the sectoral Transformation Framework, the Transformation Barometer and the National Transformation Plan for the Higher Education Sector. In addition, this Forum, made of representatives of all 26 public universities, provides advice and support to member institutions on how to deal with transformation challenges. They also explore and make recommendations regarding the governance and resourcing of transformation in higher education institutions.

The TMF has a close working inter-relationship with USAf’s Transformation Strategy Group. It reports to the Group on any strategic matters relating to its operations.
Through constant engagements and evolvement of their work, the current priorities of the TMF are as follows:

  1. Ethics of Governance
  2. The positioning of transformation within HEIs, (including professionalisation)
  3. Scholarship of Transformation
  4. The Disability Policy Framework, and its Integration in Integrated Transformation Plans
  5. Student Centeredness.


Dr Sianne Alves
University of Cape Town
Director: Office for Inclusivity and Change/Disability

Deputy Chairperson

Dr Zethu Mkhize
Director: Transformation Office
Stellenbosch University

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