Community of Practice

Community of Practice on Digital Education in Learning and Teaching (DELT CoP)

The Community of Practice on Digital Education in Learning and Teaching (DELT CoP) serves as a collaborative and supportive network of professionals, academics and other stakeholders within the higher education sector who share common goals and interests relating to innovation and the integration of technology into learning and teaching.

Among other activities, it is intended to expose members to policy, best practices and innovations in technology mediated teaching and learning. Over time, these engagements should lead to the establishment of a digital transformation peer learning community that will eventually be expanded to include all member institutions of USAf.


  • To build collegial relationships and networks across the sector.
  • To increase knowledge through case-based learning, knowledge, information and resource sharing.
  • To provide a space for reflective practice.
  • To undertake joint scholarly projects.
  • To influence policy.
  • To encourage visiting scholars and exchanges.
  • To collaborate on common learning and teaching challenges and innovations

Digital Education Open Bibliography

The Digital Education CoP maintains a bibliography of open resources, selected to be of use to all working in digital education in South Africa. All the resources are freely available via the links provided.

The bibliography comprises three parts. The first part consists of resources created by South African institutions. On the whole,  these have been produced for individual institutions, but often have wider use across the sector. Many of these allow for adaptation.

The second part consists of general resources from outside South Africa which the CoP has assessed to be useful to the South African higher education sector.

The third part lists collections of digital education resources collated all over the world. There are a massive number of resources available through these collections; they contain many riches and will take time to explore.


Professor Laura Czerniewicz
Director: Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching, University of Cape Town
Email address:

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