Loadshedding Webinar
On 21 July 2023, the Research and Innovation Strategy Group (RISG) of Universities South Africa (USAf) hosted a Loadshedding Webinar to create a space for universities to share information on implementing feasible and sustainable energy solutions. The Council on Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Nelson Mandela University and the University of the Free State shared expertise on the energy solutions they have implemented to date.
As South Africa continues to grapple with rolling nationwide power cuts, it was envisaged that the webinar would benefit universities lagging in developing energy management strategies that are expected to be submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) by the end of September.
A Committee for Energy Planning (CEP) was established and tasked with drafting a framework that will guide universities in the formulation of their own alternative energy strategies as mitigation against the current energy crisis.