Transformation Dialogue

To interrogate whether the higher education transformative agenda was unfolding through substantive and tangible activities, or whether it was manifesting in simple box-ticking exercises, USAf’s Transformation Strategy Group (TSG) hosted the Transformation Dialogue on 24 August 2023. 

Themed, From Compliance to Inclusive Transformative Engagement, the virtual event attracted over 200 people. 

Alongside gauging the depth of the higher education transformation, the Dialogue also sought to explore ways to support institutional leaders, transformation executives and the broader university communities in driving the transformation programme more aggressively.  

Most fundamentally, this Dialogue was examining the gaps identified in findings of The State of Transformation in South African Universities Report (2023) published by the Transformation Oversight Committee (TOC) in collaboration with the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). It was envisaged that drawing from this Report, the Dialogue would advance the sector from a compliance driven to an innovation and inclusivity premise of transformation, all in the quest to strike a balance between innovation and regulation and to instil a culture of qualitative change and transformation in higher education.

  • DATE:
    24 August 2023

