PA Workshop

Published On: 27 January 2017|

USAf hosted its annual workshop for Personal Assistants/Executive Secretaries in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor on 8 – 9 December 2016 in Franschoek, Cape Town.  The first day was dedicated to a facilitative session focusing on professional and personal development.  The theme was “Renewable energy: how to retain succulence even in drought circumstances – a humorous and passionate approach to work and personal life.

The second day dealt with more operational matters.  Three presentations were made in the morning.  Mr Willem du Plessis (UNISA) reflected on the student protests at our universities around #feesmustfall campaign and other related issues; Dr James Lees (UWC) presented an overview of the UWC HIV & Aid Programme; and Ms Jana van Wyk (USAf) presented an overview of USAf as an organization.  The sessions that followed were interactive ones focusing on the role of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor in support of the work of USAf  and sharing experiences and challenges of office management and operations within the Vice-Chancellor’s office.

Please download the presentations below: