Universities South Africa

Strategy Groups’ News

Transformation Strategy Group

31 October 2017|

Implementation in 2018 of the transformation barometer in public universities: the Transformation Barometer is essentially a self-monitoring and reporting tool that enables institutions to set...

Study on Emerging Researchers:

31 October 2017|

There is deep concern about the fact that many young scholars who have graduated with doctorates are not developing into NRF-rated researchers. There is a strong...

Curriculum transformation:

31 October 2017|

At its first meeting of the year in 2016, the TLSG identified curriculum transformation as a strategic issue for discussion. Under the theme: “Curriculum transformation in...

Teaching and Learning Strategy Group

31 October 2017|

Enhancing the student experience at public universities: Following an indication by the TLSG, that enhancing students’ learning experiences was not receiving adequate attention through the Quality...

Projects of Strategy Groups

31 October 2017|

Funding Strategy Group The study to determine the appropriate level of funding of South Africa’s higher education sector: This study will take into account what...


16 October 2017|

The biennial Research & Innovation conference was conceptualised by USAf’s Research and Innovation Strategy Group (RISG) in 2010. The initial event, held from 11-12 March 2010, was themed ‘Strengthening...

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