4th SAJU Forum Conference 2019 — Full report

Published On: 5 May 2019|

The South Africa-Japan University (SAJU) Forum was established to serve as a platform and structured framework
for collaboration between the higher education institutions of the two countries. The biennial SAJU conferences
alternated between Japan and South Africa and in 2019 the fourth conference took place in Pretoria with the
theme “The human being in the 21st Century in the context of global changes”.

For the first time, the scope of the conference had been broadened to include government and industry
participation. As noted by Dr Molapo Qhobela (CEO of the National Research Foundation (NRF)) in a meeting of
high level delegates on the first day of the conference, SAJU needed to start taking the lead in terms of building
new knowledge that served society and this required greater collaboration between academia, commerce and