A Call for 2017 Applications for Commonwealth Scholarships
Universities South Africa administers a selection of scholarships schemes on behalf of governments, multi-lateral and private sector organisations, primarily for post-graduate study. Calls for applications are published on our website and are also channelled to Vice-Chancellors, from where they are then popularised through existing communication channels per institution.
Commonwealth Scholarship
Universities South Africa is a nominating agency for South Africa for the United Kingdom-based Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. Eligible South Africans can submit nominations on an annual basis. We assess applications on behalf of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, and nominate 50 candidates for consideration towards Master’s and Doctoral studies.
A Call for 2017 Applications
Applications are invited from academically deserving South Africans for full time study in the UK for the academic year commencing in September/October 2017. Applications are invited for Taught Mater’s courses and PhD study. The closing date for applications directly to the SA Nominating Agency, Universities South Africa, is 18 November 2016. Please read the relevant documents carefully before applying.
• Information letter to individual applicants
• Terms and Conditions for the Commonwealth Scholarships
• Contact details of individual universities (South Africa)
Other scholarships
Newton Fund: A Call for Senior Researchers’ Applications to lead South Africa-Kenya-UK Trilateral Workshops
The Newton Fund is a research support programme active in countries of the Commonwealth worldwide, and is co-sponsored by the British government and respective host governments. In South Africa, the £30million programme was incepted in 2014 to promote research collaboration in national priority areas of health, food security, climate change, sustainability, big data and a few other disciplines. The most important feature of the Newton Fund Programme is the mobility component which allows scholars to partner, meet up and exchange ideas in pursuit of research in any of these and other national priority fields.
The South Africa-Kenya-UK Trilateral Workshops represent a current funding opportunity of the Newton Fund. Trilateral Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the United Kingdom and two partner countries, to allow them to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. This call is aimed at both senior researchers from Kenya and South Africa, who are invited to submit joint applications to lead a trilateral workshop. Once funded, grants are made available for early-career researchers in the UK and the partner countries to attend and participate. The process of finding the workshop participants is separate and will follow once the senior researchers have been awarded the grant and the workshop dates are finalised.
The closing date for applications is 19 September 2016, 16:00 UK time. Information on eligibility, and on online applications may be accessed via: